About The Bullathon

People love moving. They love to zoom, rush, scoot and fly. Every day you hear something new, like people driving jet-propelled unicycles into a volcano.
Faster isn’t always more fun.
The Travel Scientists can’t help but look for new adventures. This time they took inspiration from the good old days. Like Foghat once sang – take it easy, take a slow ride.
So what is this all about the Bullathon? Well, it is a week of adventure where you roll it old old old school style in an entirely new spin on the way folks have been cruising for thousands of years.
You will get your own dynamic duo of easy-going bulls and a wagon, and then set off on a week of adventure where you cover not inconsiderable 40 kilometres every day. That’s an entire marathon… with bulls. Bullathon! See what we did there? Genius.
This is about so much more than getting from A to B(ull) as fast as possible. Since the carts only go a little over 6 km/h, that is just as well. It’s all about self-governance, freedom of the open road, learning about Indian culture and history, and a great opportunity to help out traditional farmers and assist some amazing local charities.
It’s up to you how completely outrageous you want to make your customized wagon. It’s up to you how much you want to participate in all the games, challenges, and cultural treasure-hunts along the way. It’s up to you whether you want to stay in our modern hotels each night, or just kick back underneath the glittering stars. It’s even up to you what you’re going to call your bulls. Sammy and Frank? Fred and Ginger? Smokey and The Bandit?